Step-by-Step Instructions for Cleaning a Hookah


We’ll take you step by step through the process of cleaning your hookah. Although there are numerous blog entries and YouTube videos on how to clean a hookah, many of them overlook one of the most critical steps: properly disassembling your hookah! Before you start cleaning, disassemble your hookah so that you may clean all of the separate parts. All rubber grommets, adapters, and purge valves must be removed. Let’s get this party started!

When Should You Clean Your Hookah?

It is critical to clean and rinse your hookah after each use. To keep your hookah in good condition between sessions, simply add warm water with lemon juice. Simply disassemble, clean and wipe out the various parts, and allow them to completely dry before reassembling your hookah.
In addition to routine maintenance after each use, give your hookah a thorough cleaning every 2-4 weeks for optimal smoking performance. Now let’s talk about cleaning supplies.

Hookah Cleaning Equipment

To clean your hookah, you must first obtain the necessary hookah cleaning supplies. While warm water and lemon juice can be used to clean your glass hookah, we suggest Formula 420 Hookah Cleaner for when it needs a little additional attention. Furthermore, a set of cleaning brushes can be invaluable when it comes to carefully cleaning your hookah vase and stem.

Cleaning a Hookah Hose

It is critical to establish whether or not your hookah hose is washable before cleaning it. Many hookah hoses have metal coils that can rust if they are cleaned with water. If you’re not sure whether your hose is washable, simply squeeze the body of the hose to feel for a metal coil inside. Another simple approach is to hold a powerful magnet up to the hose to check for metal within.
If your hose has a metal coil, the safest way to clean it is to forcefully blow through it to wipe off any residual particles.
If your hose is washable, just plug one end with your thumb and fill it with warm water. Connect the other end of the hose and shake it a few times to circulate the water and wipe out any residual particles.
Whatever method you use to clean your hookah hose, always hang it to dry/air out after each session.

Cleaning a Hookah Stem and a Hookah Vase

To break up particles/residue, rinse the interior of your stem and vase with warm water and use Formula 420 Hookah Cleaner or lemon juice. Scrub the inside of each part completely with your Cleaning Brushes before washing with warm water again. After thoroughly rinsing each component, place the hookah vase upside down (safely) to dry. Prop up one end of the hookah stem to let gravity to perform the drying for you.

Cleaning a Hookah Bowl

A typical cleaning mistake is attempting to clean your hookah bowl too soon after a smoking session. Keep in mind that cleaning your bowl while it is still hot risks harming it. Allowing your hookah to cool before cleaning is always a good idea. After your bowl has cooled, make sure to rinse it at the very least after each usage. In addition, scrub the inside of the main shaft with a narrow cleaning brush to remove any debris. (A gentle brush is suggested for this to protect the bowl’s glaze/finish.)

Other Hookah Parts to Clean

When cleaning your hookah, don’t forget about the smallest pieces! To ensure that your hookah continues to operate optimally, clean each rubber grommet, hose adapter, purge valve, and so on. These smaller portions can be washed in the same manner as dishes. Scrub gently with warm water and lemon juice, then completely rinse/dry each component before reassembling your hookah.

Put Your Hookah Back Together

After all of the parts have dried completely, reassemble your hookah and enjoy! Remember, the better you care for your hookah, the better it will care for you.

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