How To Get Started With Hookah


Everyone begins as a Hookah novice.

They all started somewhere, no matter how long they have been smoking hookah. Hookah and shisha veterans were once hookah beginners just like you. They used to be confused about how to pack shisha tobacco, which hookah bowl to use, and how many hookah charcoal cubes to burn. Many early hookah users learnt through trial and error because they lacked the resources that we now have, such as hookah blogs, YouTube, and social media. They got into the habit of making frequent hookah blunders and learning from them.
Begin small with small hookahs. Large hookahs as well as smoking
If you’re going to make a mistake, make it on a less expensive hookah. Begin with something simple to learn the fundamentals. Large hookahs are thought to smoke better and produce greater clouds than tiny hookahs. This is completely false. Find a hookah that fits your style, regardless of size, and start smoking! Spend any extra cash on new shisha tastes to try.

For Hookah Beginners, Blonde Leaf Tobacco is preferable.

Tobacco impact and nicotine levels in shisha tobacco are reduced by using blonde leaf shisha or washed tobacco. This is ideal for hookah newbies who have not yet developed a tolerance to the buzz or a stronger smoke. The lighter tobacco also enables for more predominant shisha flavors to be tried and enjoyed! There’s no need to start with dark leaf tobacco and ruin your hookah experience. Begin light with brands like as Mazaya Tobacco, Al-Fakher, Starbuzz, and others.

Getting Started With Phunnel Bowls

Newer shisha brands use a lot of juice for taste and clouds. A phunnel bowl is a modern hookah bowl with a single high center spire designed exclusively to hold these fluids. A must-have hookah accessory for new hookah smokers. Shisha tobacco should be packed around the center spire so that liquids stay in your bowl rather than flowing down the hookah stem, resulting in a more enjoyable smoking session and easy cleanup.

How to Pack A Hookah Bowl for Beginners

Keep the pack minimal when first starting out. Most novice level blonde shisha tobaccos will work with a basic fluff pack design. Ideally, each hookah shisha company would employ a somewhat distinct packaging method. However, when first starting out, the tried-and-true fluff pack will suffice. Before you begin, swirl the shisha and loosely scatter the tobacco leaves into your hookah bowl. Spread the leaves evenly around the bowl until they are just above the rim. Then, gently massage the shisha down to just below the rim to balance everything out. Cover the bowl securely with heavy quality aluminum foil and puncture two rows of holes around the edge. One more hole should be drilled down the center spire of your phunnel bowl.

Fully Light Up the Charcoal

To begin, use natural coconut charcoal for hookah. Natural charcoal has numerous advantages over rapid light coals. It is critical to properly fire the coconut coals until they are burning red on both sides. Smoking with unlit charcoal results in higher CO2 levels that should not be breathed and less heat over your shisha. Before adding coconut coals in your bowl, heat them immediately on an electric coil burner until each side glows red. Place 2 to 3 charcoal cubes around the perimeter of your hookah bowl, not directly over the middle, once it is lit. To keep the coals going, flip and rotate them during your session.

Keep Your Hookah Clean!

Last but not least, clean your hookah on a regular basis. After each usage, at the very least, wipe it down and run some water through it. Routine maintenance will maintain your pipe smoking in peak condition. To remove unpleasant odors, use a simple mixture of lemon juice and water, or our Formula 420 cleaning solution for a thorough clean. Take care of your hookah, and it will look after you.

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