The topic of hookah foil or heat screens is one that can be discussed for hours. But to keep things easy, let’s discuss hookah foils and how they vary in style, thickness, and shape.
There must be a layer between the coal and tobacco in each hookah setup, and aluminum foil is the most frequent layer used as a cover to heat the tobacco.
Alternatively, some individuals employ a metal screen for the same purpose. Although many claim that aluminum foil is superior, the choice ultimately comes down to personal opinion.
Shisha smokers who favor using foil typically do so because it is a less expensive choice or because they believe it regulates heat better. There is no right or wrong answer, however the quality of Shisha foil can vary if you do not use foil created expressly for Shisha. I believe that heat management can be improved, however I also utilize heat screens and heat management depending on the bowl I am preparing.
Experienced hookah users prefer to have control over the heat when using their shisha, and aluminum foil has definite advantages since it allows you to change the heat on your bowl by moving the coals closer to the outer or inner edge of the bowl. In addition, larger or more frequent holes permit heat to enter the bowl and warm the shisha tobacco.
This implies that the tobacco will be heated more uniformly. Covering your bowl with foil and securing it with an airtight or drum-like seal helps retain heat and produce larger clouds. The fit of your foil is a crucial aspect of the preparing process.
Shisha foil is available in sheets or rolls and may be round, rectangular, or square. Some manufactures have even pre-drilled the holes for maximum convenience. Each company has its own variant, and we recommend experimenting until you discover the ideal fit.
How to put holes into your shisha foil.
Once the shisha tobacco has been added to the bowl, place one sheet of Hookah foil over the bowl so that it is as centered as possible over the bowl.
Next, press around the bowl’s sides to ensure that the foil is securely in place. Turn the bowl in your palm while you completely seal the foil around the bowl.
Using a Hookah poker, create holes on the outer edge of the foil, equally spacing them around the entire top in a circular pattern. Repeat for three to four rounds, going towards the center.
Alternately, use the apple on top base as a stencil, position it over the foil, and poke holes as demonstrated on this heat management device.
Can I use kitchen foil for my shisha?
Many shisha smokers use kitchen foil, which is typically thinner and not specifically designed for the heat of the embers. Due to the thinner foil transferring more heat, you may require numerous layers to keep your shisha tobacco from burning, although this is a matter of personal opinion.
We like Shisha Foils because they are thicker, with a standard thickness of 40 microns guaranteeing that only one layer is required per bowl.
So, now that you know the tips and tricks for Shisha foil, visit our website to shop for your new foil or poker and for all other shisha accessories.